Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Interfaith forum - 'PeaceNext'

'Help Us Make a World of Difference'

'PeaceNext.org is a free service provided by the
Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions.
Our work is all about creating spaces where people
can work together for a more just, peaceful,
and sustainable world'.

It's wonderful what you come across when you discover a passion and put out feelers to learn more about it! Especially today with social media - it's almost like the whole world is at your finger tips.

I am always on the lookout for useful information for this blog - things which inform me, deepen my knowledge and understanding, and which I think might interest my readers also.  I came across PeaceNext recently, had a good delve into what it's all about, and became a member - find me there in the members section, under the interfaith logo that heads the homepage of this blog - catch some of my posts there as well.

PeaceNext is the official social network for The Council of the Parliament of the World's Religion - once again check out Pages to learn more about the Parliament.  The Council was;

 'created to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world. To accomplish this... (they) invite individuals and communities who are equally invested in attaining this goal'

As a social network site, the possibilities for 'PeaceNext' are endless. Rev. Lesher - the Council's current Chairman of the Board of Trustees, blogs on the post 'Welcoming Peacenext', that it is a place where:

'we will meet and get to know people and organisations engaged in the interreligious movement around the world.

interreligious organizations – big and small – can describe themselves and their unique roles.

reflections on Melbourne 2009 (Parliament) can be shared.

reports can be posted on how the themes of the Melbourne Parliament have inspired local actions.

issues that concern the whole interreligious community can be explored.

inspirational, educational and organizational ideas and resources can be shared.

announcements can be made and invitations extended.

Partner Cities are described, encouraged and related.

we can plan together, the sixth Parliament of the World’s Religions in 2014...'

It's very easy to join and once you have signed up you can do all the usual social networking things such as share/view photos and videos, start or join a discussion, group or forum, post your own blogs and events, and invite your friends to join.

And most importantly, you can learn from others while enriching your knowledge about faiths and traditions other than your own, by reading the blogs and posts from a broad and a diverse range of members who, through this format, have all come together for a common cause - the promotion of world peace and friendship.

To learn more, go to http://www.peacenext.org

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Quiet Reflection - 'Evelyn Underhill'

image sourced: freedigitalphotos.net

'...the difference between God present and absent is merely a difference in our own awareness'

- Evelyn Underhill

click 'labels' below to see Quiet reflections by Rumi, Hafiz, Hildegard of Bingen and more

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Interfaith tour - 'Tours to Places of Worship'

If you live in Melbourne and are interested in learning about some of our world faith traditions, then you may be interested in this tour. The City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network is conducting 'Tours to Places of Worship' on August 8th 2012.

imagesourced: freedigitalphotos.net

This worthwhile event will be an opportunity to visit the places of worship of the local faith communities, including:

- A Hindu Temple
- A Sikh Gurdwara
- A Mosque
- A Buddhist Temple
- A Christian Church
- Indigenous sacred sites or
- Spiritual traditions

The tour will also be an opportunity to see the diversity within the Melbourne area, focusing on the religious and spiritual dimension of multiculturalism. The group will be welcomed by a member/leader of each faith tradition and will be a great opportunity to learn something of the spiritual and religious beliefs and practises from a diverse range of tradition.

For more information, see www.interfaithnetwork.org.au

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Find this...

...in June archives;

'Interfaith gathering' - World Peace prilgimage

'The practise of pure altruism' - a Buddhist perspective

'Aboriginal liturgy' - Maisie Cavanagh

'The Golden Rule' - through the ages

'Quiet Reflection' - Jung, Tariq Ramadan, Rumi

'Insight' - Dalai Lama, Swami Vivekananda

'Advocate for peace' - Mata Amritanandamayi

'Guest Post' - Global spirituality and interfaith ministry

'PeaceNext '- social media forum

'Charter of Commpassion' - sign the pledge

...and much more - check out 'popular posts' to find out what other people are reading!


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Insight - 'Interspirituality'

imagesourced: freedigitalphotos.net

'Interspirituality is the common experience within all spirituality, a common experience where we lose our sense of separation and become aware of a profound interconnection of all beings and all things. This experience includes feelings of unconditional love, and non-separation, as well as an awareness of the unfolding and expansion of consciousness, continually moving our species towards the highest expression of Self'

- One Spirit Interfaith Seminary

Click 'labels' below to see insights by the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Luther Standing Bear and more.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Quiet reflection - 'Hildegard of Bingen'

"The fastest way To peace Is the transformation of the heart.  Healing or chaos radiate from the heart. The human heart is the centre of the world".

"Everything created has a visible and invisible quality. What one sees, is but a faint shadow; mightily alive is the invisible".

Hildegard of Bingen - Benedictine nun

click 'labels' below to see reflections by Jung, Martin Luther King, Rumi and more

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Wise words - 'Frank Baum'

'Many ages ago Budda came to enlighten the civilisation of the East.  The pure and beautiful doctrines he taught made ready converts, and to-day his followers outnumber those of any other religion.  To the fierce and warlike tribes of Arabia, Mohammed appeared.  His gentleness and bravery tamed their fierce natures. The followed him implicitly, as millions of their descendants follow him still.  Confucius with ready sophistry promulgated a 'religion of reason'.  His works are to this day the marvel of all intelligent people; his myriads of disciples have never wavered in their faith.  The sweet and tender teachings of Christ, together with the touching story of his life, have sunk deeply into the hearts of those nations which rank the highest in modern civilisation. In their separate domains all these religions flourish to-day.  Their converts are firm and unflinching, their temples cover the land, and each in its own way sends praises to a common Creator - a Universal God'.

- Frank Baum 1890  (Theosophist/author - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)

click 'labels' below to see 'wise words' from Einstein, Martin Luther King, Luther Standing Bear and more

Monday, 2 July 2012

Essene gospel of peace - 'God speaks to man'

One of the wonderful things about being on the interfaith path, is the opportunities it brings.  I spend a lot of time delving into the writings of all the worlds religions and faith traditions; for my own personal growth and understanding, and for this blog. 

I am also very aware that there are people reading my posts that may not have had the opportunity to explore religions other than their own, so I look for information that will help inform and enlighten people about the beauty and wisdom, the simalarities that are found across all of our faith traditions.

I discovered this wonderful prayer yesterday and it resonated with me, much the same way as the Rig Veda prayer did - you can find that in the May archives.  I love the all encompassing connection to spirit that this prayer brings, the way it honours and reveres the magic that is contained in every moment.

sourced: freedigitalphotos.net

'God speaks to man'

I speak to you.
Be still, Know I am God.

I spoke to you when you were born.
Be still, Know I am God.

I spoke to you at your first sight.
Be still, Know I am God.

I spoke to you at your first word.
Be still, Know I am God.

I spoke to you at your first thought.
Be still, Know I am God.

I spoke to you at your first love.
Be still, Know I am God.

I spoke to you at your first song.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the grass of the meadows.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the trees of the forests.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the valleys and the hills.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the Holy Mountains.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the rain and snow.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the waves of the sea.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the dew of the morning.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the peace of the evening.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the splendour of the sun.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the brilliant stars.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the storm and the clouds.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the thunder and lightening.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you through the mysterious rainbow.
Be still, Know I am God.

I will speak to you when you are alone
Be still, Know I am God.

I will speak to you through the Wisdom of the Ancients.
Be still, Know I am God.

I will speak to you at the end of time.
Be still, Know I am God.

I will speak to you when you have seen my Angels.
Be still, Know I am God.

I will speak to you throughout Eternity.
Be still, Know I am God.

I speak to you.
Be still, Know I am God.

- Essene gospel of peace

You might also like Rig Veda - 'a song about our eternal nature' in May archives or find it featured in 'popular posts'